
Hello, my name is Jennifer, Jenn for short and I have been obsessed with everything art since I was very young. I have been drawing since I can remember and from there moved on to paper mache, painting, sculpting and anything else in the art world that I could learn about.

At first, I was interested in animal anatomy and started out drawing horses, lots and lots of horses, then animals, then dinosaurs, then dragons, and eventually people. It was apparent my heart was set on becoming a part of the art world. Through grade school I was an average student but excelled in my art acedemics and took part in many school related projects including calendar and logo design, greeting cards and other promotions. During my Junior and Senior years in high school I attended a vocational school so I could focus on a career while attending. My first job was a head designer at a t-shirt printing company and worked there for three years until I decided to attend The Art Institute Of Pittsburgh where I earned my Bachelor's Degree in Media Arts and Animation. College really rounded out my skills and allowed me to blossom proudly in to the art world. I went on to become a 3D Modeler/Designer, a Content Coordinator, Concept Artist and Freelance Designer. I have worn many suits in the art field which I feel has really broadened my horizons as well as my skills.

As a person I am very easy going and its not hard to get along with me. When it comes to hard work however I am very serious and know how to meet short deadlines and will put in the extra mile to make sure what needs done is done, on time. I take a creative approach to everything and pay very close attention to details and specifics. I hold my work ethics high and my career record shows it.

Art is all around us and there is always something new to try out. It never gets boring.

I am always updating my online portfolio so keep checking back for my latest up and coming artwork!


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